I tried using on Android 6, Android 7, and above. It does not work.
Since Android 6, there are new restrictions. For Android 6 and above, you will need to ensure you are using the latest version of the app (version 3+). Ensure that your Device Settings has the ‘Mock Location’ enabled manually with the ‘GPS Tether Client’ app selected.

I want to tether GPS from my Apple iPhone to iPad. This solution works in a pair; client & server app. I have installed the GPS Tether Client (client) on my iPad already. Where is the GPS Tether Server (server) app for my iPhone ?
There is no GPS Tether Server app for the iPhone. There is only the GPS Tether Client app for the iPad / iPad mini. This is because if you already have an iPhone, it will automatically tether the GPS data to your iPad. In other words, it is already taken care of by Apple. You don’t need to use this GPS Tether solution, as it mainly caters for those without an iPhone.
I am using the GPS Tether Client with an NMEA device on water at sea. What data type or format does it need ?
The NMEA device will send out NMEA specific data format, which is supported by GPS Tether Client. The format needed by the app is “CGA“, which is sent out by all NMEA devices (you may need to configure your NMEA device). The other NMEA formats are not required (ignored by the app). Please contact us if you have any issues with this.
I am using a rooted Android phone with third (3rd) party WiFi tether, like Treve WiFi tether. I am trying to use the GPS Tether Server app on this device. A WiFi connection error keeps on appearing and will not start. How do I use the GPS Tether Server app on such a device ?
Only for advance users in version v2.2+. This will require additional steps and understanding. Follow these steps below to quickly setup :
i) Start the 3rd party WiFi tether app and get the IP address from the app (e.g. This will be the server’s IP that will be entered into the GPS Tether Client app later .
ii) Load GPS Tether Server app. Under “Settings”, uncheck the “WiFi Check” box.
iii) Go back to the app’s main page. The server IP shown will be because it is using a 3rd party WiFi tether app. This is NOT the ip address. See step #1 to get the IP address.
iv) If there are no other errors, the app will start running.
v) On the client device, connect it to the GPS Tether Server device (which is running the 3rd party WiFi tether). Both devices MUST be connected to the same WiFi network.
vi) Load the GPS Tether Client app. Key in the the IP address of the WiFi tether app (e.g. as the server’s IP. Use the default port ‘8080’ if you have not changed it.
vii) The client should be able to connect to the server now. If not, please check the IP address and port of the server again.
The GPS Tether Server and GPS Tether Client is able to connect to each other, but the client device is unable to show me my location or any navigation. What’s the problem ?
Different Android OS may differ, but this can usually be solved with these simple steps below (only on the client device) :
i) Restart the device.
ii) If step #1 above did not solve the problem, proceed with the following steps
iii) Uninstall the GPS Client Tether app
iv) Disable any GPS or network provider (if any, see ‘How To Use’ section above)
v) Restart the device
vi) Re-install GPS Tether Client
Both my devices (server & client) can’t connect to each other over the WiFi. It keeps on disconnecting! What’s the problem ? Answer
This is usually caused by unstable WiFi signal. Here is what you can try to solve the problem :
i) Ensure that the WiFi signal is strong on both server & client device.
ii) Ensure that the ports on both server & client is the same. Default port is 8080 (try changing this too)
iii) Try using one of the devices as a WiFi hotspot. Connect the devices using this WiFi hotspot.
iv) Disable the “Listener” feature in “Settings”. See screenshot.
v) If the steps above does not work, ensure your devices does not have a ‘firewall’ app which may block this connection).
vi) Still does not work? Contact us.
I am using an Android phone. How do I enable location providers like GPS and Network, and get location data (info) ?
Different Android OS may differ, but in general, it can be enabled under device “Settings”.
How do I enabled “Mock Locations” on my Android tablet ?
It is located under “Settings -> Developer”. Note that this may differ among Android versions and devices, but it is all under Settings. See setup instructions page here.
This application keeps on showing that there are no location providers available. My device has GPS hardware (feature). What’s wrong ?
Before using this application, the GPS needs to be activated in the settings page. If you are using Network location provider, ensure it is activated. See “How to Use” above for instructions (this may differ from device to device). If the problem still persist, try restarting the device.
The GPS Tether Client application keeps on showing the error, “The gps provider is already enabled. It is recommended to disable it to avoid interference with this app.”, but my gps is already turned off. What is the problem ?
This message appears because the Android system informed the GPS Tether client application that gps or network provider has been enabled. If you have already disabled the gps or network provider on your device and this message appears, try restarting the device or ignore this message. This is a bug in the older Android versions (e.g. Android 2.3).
My device’s GPS is enabled, but it cannot get a location data (location fixed) after a long time. I have waited more than 10 minutes. What’s wrong ?
First off, ensure the sky is visible by the device as per GPS requirements. Second, ensure the GPS is enabled in the settings. One shouldn’t assume the GPS is activated because the GPS icon is visible on the device. If you have tried these and the problem still persist, it could be due to your device’s Android OS. Based on our lab testing, we observed that a device with GPS running on Android 2.3.3 will display this problem. We are continuously testing on other devices & OS to see whether this problem also exist. The best way to try solve it is to restart the device.
My device does not have GPS feature. It only has Network location feature (Network Provider). Can this (server) application still work on my device ?
Yes, it can work. For the server application to work, the device can either have GPS feature or Network feature (aka GPS Provider, Network Provider). GPS feature usage is recommended as it can provide a more accurate location and position compared to Network location feature. Do note that using Network location feature may not give a fast location data update.
I installed the server application on my phone which has GPS, and client application on my tablet. The tablet keeps on saying “server not found”. What’s wrong ?
The server and client application must be connected together using WiFi on the same network & good WiFi signal strength. Please ensure it is on the server application’s port number (default port is 8080) is as keyed in the client application, as it may have been changed by your device.
Also ensure the devices are on the same network and the router (if any) is not blocking the port. You can try to use WiFi tethering on your devices to ensure it is on the same network (available on >Android 2.2). If the problem still persist, try changing the server application’s port (don’t forget to change the client application too).
When using the GPS Tether Server Plus (paid version), the app is active in the background, but the GPS Tether Client app cannot connect to it. It was able to connect a while ago. What’s wrong ?
This problem may occur because of several factors, such as your WiFi signal strength & the WiFi features on your device. The best way to solve this is to ensure a strong WiFi signal and then restart both your devices; server & client. If this still persist, contact us and explain in detail your devices and network connection.
I do not always have internet connection. Can this application still work ?
Yes, it can still work. But to note that without internet connection, your other apps (e.g. driving directions in Google Maps) may not work, as it needs internet connection.
I have purchased the app from Google Play (Market). Validation keeps on appearing and shows a message “License not validated”. What’s the matter ?
This problem can be easily solved by clearing the data and cache of the Google Play app in your phone. It is somehow caused by installing and uninstalling the app, and the cache in your phone is not updated. To clear the data and cache, goto Settings -> Applications -> Manage Application. Select the Google Play app, and select “Clear Data”. Please remember to uninstall the free trial edition of GPS Tether Server or Client (if you have installed it)
How accurate is the GPS data signal if I use this solution ?
The accuracy is the same as using the GPS on the device (where GPS Tether Server is used). Accuracy can be also checked on the screen, together with other data (e.g. latitude, longitude, bearing, speed). Do note that the GPS coordinate shown on the GPS Tether Client is the coordinate of the GPS Tether Server device.
The “GPS Update Speed” on GPS Tether Server is not accurate. If I set it to 3 seconds, it does not update every 3 seconds. Why ?
The “GPS Update Speed” is a feature for you to save battery, as the GPS does not need to be updated so frequently. When you set it as ‘3 seconds’, this means the minimum update time will be every ‘3 seconds’, and thus it may be longer depending on the GPS signal on your device. Based on our extended-test, if your device has a GPS lock (status Lock-On), the update will not be more than +1 second (in this example, means 4 seconds). We recommend that you set it to 500 millisecond.
I just purchased the paid version of the app. The app says “License is not validated” and ads are still being shown. What’s the problem ?
After purchasing the app, please ensure you launch the paid version of the app with internet connection, as the app will need to verify with Google’s/Apple’s servers. Do note that this is controlled by Google/Apple and tied to your Android account (your device needs to be using the same account as you made the purchase with). Remember to uninstall the free trial edition of the app.
I found a bug! Where do I report it to ?
We at Bricatta are commited to keep on improving your experience while using the app. Please use the contact form to report this, and we will keep you updated on the progress. Please provide as much details as possible, so that our team can quickly identify the problem.
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Important Notice :
Please note that for “Network Provider” (aka Network location provider), data charges may be applied. It is recommended to use “GPS Provider”.
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